We’re bad at cleaning out coolers right after a camping trip.
We’re just over 10 years married and 6 years vegetarian. Sometimes we tell people, “We’re vegetarian, except for endangered animals; we’ll eat them.”
Sometimes, we fantasize about living in a Tiny Home/trailer farm with a bunch of friends. They’re a happy place.
We’re not into fake, unless for amusement. (Like wigs, plastic hats, or music parodies.)
We live in less than 400 sq ft and love the way it makes us appreciate. Over the summer, we lived in 150 sq. ft. and miss the functionality.
Our nickname for each other after donating blood is “Pint Low”
Sometimes, we live out of an airstream, on a mountain, overlooking Monterey Bay. The showering outside part of this is under-rated.
We wave and take delight in the people dressed up in costumes, waving signs/doing enthusiastic dances on the side of the road. (Pre-Tax time is the best for these.)
We don’t have TV, so when in hotel rooms we generally find the trashiest thing on. Sometimes we put it on mute and do voice-overs.
We’re not afraid to sleep in a car for an adventure.
A personal project we are working on right now is #giftsforstrangers on Instagram. We invite you to do this with us.
We have an on-again, off-again relationship with Bikram yoga. (Mary even did two consecutive classes once…after she had two beers the night before; the beer part is not recommended.)
On long road-trips, Mary tries to learn lyrics to karaoke songs.
When driving in summer, we prefer windows down and a foot perched on the side mirror.
We’re amateur juicers and impromptu fast/cleanse experimenters.
We have cats and spoon with them, although Joel is allergic.
Some of our fave Pandora stations include: Phantogram, TV On The Radio, Kid Koala, DeVotchKa, Modeselektor, Lemon Jelly, and Led Zeppelin
Although we gave up most Pandora and replaced it with Songza.
This is the last record that we bought new. Mostly because it was beautiful, but it’s also a good listen.
We’ve been photographers for ten years, full-time for over two, and push ourselves relentlessly (probably unhealthily so at times) to make tomorrow our best.
Things we like, in no particular order or consistency:
Stumptown Coffee
Strongbad, Wedding Videographer
Marcel The Shell (With Shoes On)
Pretty sure we’ve absorbed all of the Demetri Martin we can get our eyeballs and earholes on.
The Kleptones (Free to download-Uptime, Downtime, and 24 Hours are some faves)
We’re endlessly inspired by the simple concepts behind Ok Go videos. (This Too Shall Pass, Here it Goes Again, White Knuckles, and End Love)
Arrested Development, Modern Family, Dexter, Pushing Daisies, Childrens Hospital, Party Down, and Archer
Joel is on his third pair of Sambas and enjoys a vodka we found through a wedding called “Russian Standard”
This video sums up a lot of what we love about Oregon
This intro sums up a lot of what we love about Portland
If you’re coming to Portland to visit, The Ace Hotel is a unique place to stay
One of our favorite places to camp along the coast is in Nehalem, OR
We like to play the game Werewolf (similar to Mafia), Dominion, Pandemic, Bananagrams, and Settlers. These are all varying levels of nerd-dom.
Mary enjoys good Porters and Stouts; Joel likes hoppy IPA’s
Favorite Cheap Eats in Portland: Bombay Chaat House Food Cart, Vita Cafe, Sushi Ichiban, Los Gorditos, Jam on Hawthorne
Current Audio/Video Faves:
Dumb Ways to Die PSA
Thrift Shop by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Aristophanes Story by RadioLab (first heard at a wedding, read by “George Bluth Sr.”)